Waste Treatment & Septic




Safe & Precise Installation

At Enviroplumb & Gas, we specialise in residential, commercial and industrial septic tanks and waste treatments in Rockhampton and surrounds. Our septic tanks are easy to install, low maintenance and economical so it’s built to last for your home or business.

Septic tanks are installed underground to treat waste water, making it an eco-friendly approach in disposing waste and perfect for rural areas with no sewerage lines. Our team of professional plumbers are experienced in septic talk installation as well as upgrades, whether for new or established properties.

We comply with industry standards to ensure water quality is at its best. Regardless of the size and complexity of the project, we can properly install every pipe and drainage system using the latest tools and equipment. We take pride in our ability to assess every situation and provide a highly efficient solution that suit your needs.

Foul odour coming from your tank is a sign that your septic system is failing. We can promptly deliver an effective remedy to your system to avoid further damage or any risk to your health and environment. If you have an old septic tank, our licensed and experienced team can also decommission and replace your unit.

Contact Us For More Information About Our Septic And Waste Treatment Systems. We’re Happy To Assist You.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How far should I put the septic tank from the house?

    It will depend on your local codes and regulations but the normal minimum distance is ten feet. Ultimately, the placement of your tank will be up to you so it’s best to consider building codes and potential health issues before installation to ensure your safety.

  • What happens to treated water and solids?

    They are returned to the environment for reuse. Waste water is cleaned to a high standard so it can be safely used again for water gardening and flushing in homes and businesses. On the other hand, the collected solids are turned into fertiliser called biosolids, used in agriculture, forestry and rehabilitation.

  • What are the stages of waste water treatment?

    There are three stages of treating water known as primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary treatment is simply removing large solids from wastewater through screen taps and sedimentation. Secondary treatment is designed to degrade biological content of waste through any of these three ways: biofiltration, aeration, or oxidation ponds. Tertiary treatment filters and disinfects the water with chlorine and UV light to kill remaining microorganisms.

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